
Preventing Constipation - The Root Cause of Hemorrhoids

One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. It's common among children because of the food they eat or it is just something they are not concerned about and they just pass up going to the toilet. They tend to hold back from going to the bathroom. This is what we call functional constipation and is typically in response to the events such as toilet training, changes in routine or diet and being too busy.

Adults too, suffer from constipation because of the same reason why children have constipation. But unlike with children, adult people can easily overcome this problem if they will just follow a healthy lifestyle.

These are the common causes why constipation occurs:

  • Lack of fiber and fluid
  • Because of medications - common side effects of some medications is constipation, especially when you're taking diuretics and anti-depressants.
  • Colon or rectum problems
  • No physical activities
With these reason, now you will know what to do to avoid constipation.


Practice healthy bowel habits

  • Go to the bathroom as soon as you have the urge.
  • Avoid straining to pass stools. Relax and give yourself time to let things happen naturally.
  • Avoid holding your breath while passing stools.
  • Avoid reading while sitting on the toilet. Get off the toilet as soon as you have finished.

Constipation during pregnancy
About 50% of women experience constipation during pregnancy, that is because pregnancy related hormones trigger the smooth muscles of intestine causing them to soften in the first trimester, so it is possible to start experiencing constipation as early as the first trimester.

So if you want to avoid getting hemorrhoids or minimize the pain of your hemorrhoids, avoid getting constipated. Preventing constipation is a natural way of hemorrhoid treatment - treating the root cause of hemorrhoids not just its symptoms - will help you get rid of hemorrhoids for a lifetime.

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